The Accident by Chris Pavone

Unputdownable.  That’s a word, right?

I was a little disappointed when I checked this book out.  I had heard good things about another book by this author, but it wasn’t available so I settled for this.  I had a long day of waiting rooms ahead of me and needed reading material.  I am no longer disappointed.

Chris Pavone spins a tale not unlike a Dan Brown novel.  This novel revolves around book publishing, the C.I.A. (sort of), and the ability to ruin numerous lives and multinational corporations with the stroke of a pen.  Yes, sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword.  The events in this novel take place over the course of a mere 24 hours, aided by numerous flashbacks to various unsavory moments in the past. Multiple characters are followed, brought in, killed, chased, and teased.  Keeping characters, and their relationship to one another, straight is perhaps the most challenging portion of this book.  Aside from that the action, which takes place across two continents, is fast paced and engrossing.  Isabel, the main(ish) character, is an intelligent and mostly likable middle aged woman with a past this is teased early on but revealed bit by bit.
This book had me reading way past my bedtime and racing to the final (digital) pages, and ultimate abrupt ending.  For a book that I wasn’t too excited about to begin with, this was a fun ride.  If I could figure out how to give this book 3 ½ Libbies, I would.  But, since I can’t, I’ll just give it 3 Libbies.  It wasn’t the absolute best book I’ve ever read, but if you’re looking for something fun and exciting, go for it.  

Also, fair warning: This is not part of a series, per se, but The Expats was written first.  If you read The Accident and then The Expats, you'll already have some info you might not want.  I read this book first and still enjoyed both.  

Reviewed by Ashley

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