Vicious (Pretty Little Liars) by Sara Shepard

Title: Vicious by Sara Shepard
Summary: The series finale of Pretty Little Liars!!! Pretty Little Liars is a series that follows four girls who are being stalked by a villain known as "A". "A" knows all their secrets, knows all their actions, and knows them well enough to know where to strike for the most collateral damage. In the finale, the girls are awaiting trial for the murder of their one time best friend Alison DiLaurentis. "A" has set them up beautifully and there seems to be no hope for the girls at this point. What keeps fans of the series interested are the relationship of Hanna and her boyfriend Mike, Aria following her art dream and Spencer reconnecting with her first love. As well as a major plot twist that involves Emily and of course, the need to know how it all ends.
For fans of the series, it's a must read! There are moments when you feel like you've already read this but Sara Shepard does an amazing job with the Emily story line that is fresh and interesting and how she concludes the series gives a enough of a sense of an ending with the possibility of more stories at a later date.

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