The Ocean at the End of the Lane


*Audio Book Review*

An interesting, haunting read. Not a horror story, but definitely spooky in many parts. This book would have been better if Neil Gaiman (amazing author) had not tried to be Neil Gaiman (sub-par voice actor).

The story was good, characters good, plot good. All exactly as I expected. It is a stand alone novel (I think) and that is good because I don't think I would have been intrigued enough for another foray into this world.

But the audio-book suffered from the voice. Not really his VOICE per-se, but his READING style. Lots of pregnant pauses on words that really didn't need them. Not every word is fraught with meaning, Neil!

"There were too many memories in that house. In the bricks......and the pipes.....and the wood......"

I mean, with a sentence vocally emphasized like that, you'd think that the bricks, pipes, and wood played a major role in this plot, and that you should be reflecting on them. Or you'd think that it was a bit of foreshadowing or something. Neither is the case.  (not a direct quote, this IS an *audiobook* review)

And this happened all....the....time....

Think of the amount of pauses William Shatner gave as Kirk. Then add a couple extra pauses just for good measure.

I think it would have been a solid 3 Libby enjoyable read if not for the listening experience.

- Miss Kelly

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