Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes by Jules Moulin

I grabbed this book based on the title. I had to know what it meant and how relevant to the story it was. Ally Hughes, when the novel begins, is working as college professor at Brown and is a single mother who is having the worst time of her life.  She has so much on her plate and doesn't see it getting better or going away.  She has a meeting with a student that not only changes a weekend in her life but the next 10 years.  The story changes from that time to ten years later after Ally is re-introduced to the student who changed her life and is now a major celebrity.  There are secondary characters that really aren't great and kinda feel like an afterthought but reading about the weekend Ally spends with her student makes up for it.  The end is a little too far fetched in terms of the secondary characters but it is a nice ending for Ally.  I liked the book and would recommend it as a fun, beach read.

Title: Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes: A Novel by Jules Moulin
Pages: 288

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