Blackbird Fly

by Erin Entrada Kelly

Apple doesn't like herself much. The way she looks, the way her mom talks and cooks, her name... all of it is a reminder that she is *different* and she hates it.
Until a list and a series of events bring her to some new people who help her see the great things about standing out in a crowd instead of fading into it.
This is a really nice middle grade book for self esteem, issues of ethnic minorities feeling bullied, and kids who are searching for their way.
Favorite line was towards the end, and was about a former friend who was obsessed with being popular and cool: "I realized that's how she would always be: going where the crowd goes and then getting lost."
- Miss Kelly
#ComingOfAge #FamilyTies #FriendshipBonds #MiddleGrade #Realism #SchoolStories #WeNeedDiverseBooks